Lenny's journey to TechWolf: from a job fair to joining the wolfpack

Lenny's journey to joining TechWolf is a great example of how networking and a passion for technology can shape a career.

CT4 A8002

Eniko Toth-Bagi

29 Feb 2024
3 minutes
29 Feb 2024
3 minutes

Starting as an intern with a keen interest in AI, Lennert aka Lenny navigated his way through job fairs and LinkedIn connections to find his place at TechWolf as a Junior Engineer, a story that highlights the importance of building connections and seizing opportunities.

Can you share how you began your journey with us at TechWolf?

Absolutely. It all started at a job fair for industrial engineering students like myself, where I had the chance to talk to some colleagues from TechWolf. The interaction, together with some shared connections, really piqued my interest in pursuing a career here. Shortly after, I took the initiative to reach out via LinkedIn which eventually led to us starting up the interview process.

What was your internship experience like?

My original idea was to start together with the ten fresh graduate Junior Engineers that TechWolf welcomes in September each year. However, I decided to opt for a summer internship before joining full-time to support my move to Ghent, which was a pivotal decision for me. It allowed me to get to know TechWolf's culture early on and meet like-minded students and young graduates not only from Belgium but also Cambridge University. At the end of the summer and my internship, I rolled into a full-time role and was eager to welcome my new colleagues and soon-to-be team members.

Lennys Story Website Image

What did your early days at TechWolf look like?

Before, I always thought my passion lay in AI, however during my time with the Research/AI team I quickly realised I enjoyed API-related work the most. This is what I’ve been doing most during my time here, although currently I’m shifting more and more towards infrastructure. It's been a journey of continuous growth and learning, and I’m glad I got the chance to try out so many different things.

Could you describe a typical day for you at the office?

Sure, my day usually starts early with breakfast and coffee, catching up on new messages. I actually enjoy being one of the first there and preparing for the day before everyone else arrives. My tasks range from pair programming and API development to infrastructure work. We also brainstorm client problems and solutions, and I make sure to set aside 2-3 hours of focused time to work without distractions. And, of course, no day is complete without a foosball game during lunchtime.

What has been your biggest highlight so far?

TechWolf’s fifth birthday party really stood out for me. It felt like we were celebrating together as a bunch of friends, instead of colleagues. The atmosphere was more like a real birthday party rather than a company event. It perfectly captured what working at TechWolf to me is all about.

Reflecting on your experiences, what advice would you offer to aspiring professionals?

My main piece of advice? You can do this. Don't stress about getting in or proving yourself too much, allow yourself to be your full self during interviews. It's important to embrace your background and be aware that it’s totally normal if you don’t get everything from the beginning. I personally always felt supported and empowered by TechWolf throughout my time here. We want to set you up for success and support you on your journey getting there.
CT4 A8002

Eniko Toth-Bagi

Talent Partner

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